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glow in the dark star decorations
It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! glow in the dark star decorations

glow in the dark star decorations skateboarding 3d lemon demon
star wall decorations the cadez cadet site header

This site is a major wip! this page isnt even really meant to be viewed in its current state. sorry!! (you can still click around, but many links are dead ends.)

pixel idle animation of mascot character

Welcome to my ArCadez Parlour! This is the hub for all of my arts, socials, and projects! (as well as a place to show off my personality ;>)

Lemon Demon Stamp Rad Stamp Kaboom Stamp glowy stars 2 Stamp Glowy Stars Stamp Nina from Fanblog Stamp swirl Stamp queer Stamp
queer Stamp
queer Stamp

BFYOP is a project that I have been working on for quite some time. Although the above video is old and rough around the edges, it's very dear to me as a proof of concept! Episode 1 is now out as well! If your interested in keeping up to date with the show, you can join the Discord and follow the Tumblr Page!

star wall decorations